Category: Fashion

  • Fashion Tips To Make It More Sustainable

    Fashion Tips To Make It More Sustainable

    F A S H I O N – The word has varied meanings over a period of time. It changes more often nowadays. Fashion is something which defines the personality. Fashion term is not limited to just outfits. It also includes accessories, footwear and a lot more things.

    Today I will be sharing some ideas about making Fashion sustainable as we all think Fashion as a fancy word for riches. Fashion is not all about spending threfty amount on buying things just for the ongoing trend. So the idea of sustainable fashion comes handy. Presenting few tips that will definitely help you to buy fashion items sustainably.

    • Don’t spend much on special occasion’s outfits.

    Yes, it’s true. Don’t go in the flow of emotions and ended up buying an expensive outfit for some big occasion and later, unable to wear it again. This is the most common mistake everyone makes. Try to buy with open mind. Nowadays there is lots of option available for renting clothes for such occasions. This will help save extra bucks.

    • Quality over Quantity

    Buying random stuffs just because they were on sale or you find at roadside shop at a cheaper rate will make your wardrobe unmanageable. This habit loads a burden and you will find hard to find an outfit when in hurry. Always look for quality of the outfits which you will be wearing frequently. As if you are a T and Jeans person, don’t buy cheap jeans which will lose its charm and quality just after few washes. Buy good quality jeans of a good brand as you will wear this often.

    Fashion Tips

    • Don’t get into the habit of buying expensive stuff

    Look for the quality of the thing to determine its worth. Buying things just because it’s costly will definitely possess good quality is a wrong assumption. Invest your money wisely in items which deserve that price.

    • Learn to repair your things

    The habit of throwing things which are torn or broken is merely a waste of money. Try to learn ways to repair the torn jeans or any broken accessories. One can also find some local tailor who can help in this work. Always find a way for that broken item.

    • Donate the clothes you no longer need

    Regularly clean up your wardrobe and donate the clothes which you are not wearing it for a long time. This will also give some space in your wardrobe and make it clearer.

    I hope this few tips will help you while buying any fashion outfit.